Tending the Sacred Hive

Discover the magic of the bees + deepen your inner gifts 

A 10 month Women's Beekeeping Apprenticeship

The honey bees are asking for a different approach to beekeeping.

And you are here
because you heard their call.

They are asking for you to be a steward, a guardian, and a companions. They are asking us all to heal selves and be present to who they are. They are humming the song of the earth, and asking us to listen.

Enroll Now

The "how to" beekeeping books were full of practices I didn't feel aligned with. I wanted to be able to work with bees on all levels. From the practical to the spiritual.  They were showing me they wanted a deeper relationship, but the only way I could learn was through trial and error.  I learned there IS another way to tend to hives, and there ARE kindred souled beekeepers out there.  The alumni of this program taught me that.

When I started out keeping bees, there was no one to go to who kept bees the way I knew was possible.

I wish I had been able to start my journey with a people who saw the bees and the earth as sacred and precious.

Tending the Sacred Hive

Beekeeping Apprenticeship


Guided by the feminine principle, this 10-month online apprenticeship follows the deep vein of folklore, goddess lore, and honey bee animism, mixed with a comprehensive study of natural beekeeping. The program’s core goal is to explore your relationship with honey bees, self, and the Earth.  

Much more than a how-to program on beekeeping, this course delves into the nuances of what it means to be a bee guardian in the modern age, how to communicate and listen to the bees in creative and non-linear ways, and methods for tending to bee hives from bee-centric model.  

Through exploration of the the folk pathways and history of the sacred bee, you will learn how embodied, womb-centric teachings and modalities can support you in healing, creativity, intuition, and your relationship to the more-than-human world.

Enroll Now

What You'll Learn

How to start a hive, biology and lifecycle of bees, natural and bee-centric practice, choosing and working with specific hive styles, reading and understanding what you see in a hive, handling bees calmly and effectively, identifying and working with disease, the medicines of the hive, what the wild bees are teaching us about beekeeping.

Natural Beekeeping

Breathwork meditations connecting you to the earth, the womb and the hive. Walking the infinity symbol for spiritual growth, cognizance, and communion. Dreaming with bees and other spirit beings. Working with the elements. Communicating with bees. The energy centers of the body as flowering roses. Land presence and connection practices.

Bee Animism & Spiritual Ecology

Seasonal cycles, inner cycles, and womb wisdom as it's experienced both within and outside of the body. The hive as a womb. Monthly goddess lectures. Womb practices for connecting to the hive. Womb practices for building energy in the body.

Womb Wisdom & The Sacred Feminine

This Apprenticeship is where the practical meets the sacred and the two entwine into something that heals not only the bees, but our own hearts as well. 

3 hrs: This monthly Zoom call sits at the heart of the program. Here is where we are woven together as a hive. Most sessions will be a fusion of animistic practices, sharing, and beekeeping knowledge. As a rule, we work with the practice of moving between the left and right brain, or linear and non-linear learning.

You will join global a hive of like minded sisters - in fact alumni from this course have formed lasting friendships and partnerships.  You will have access to an online community forum (not facebook), where you can share, be inspired, connect, and follow each other's journeys. 

How you will learn:

Monthly Live Sessions

A Hive Sisterhood

This movement meditation and form of shamanic journeying will take place once a month. This is a core practice connecting us to bee wisdom and our guides. It involves walking in the symbol bees fly and dance in - a figure eight. Much like labyrinth walking, or repetitive dance, the movement can take us into an altered state, and support the realm of “seeing”. Here is where the hive sisterhood weaves with the inner landscape of the imaginal, somatic, and spiritual. 

Walking the 8

Each month a new set of lessons, journal prompts, dreaming tasks, ritual suggestions, and beekeeping knowledge will added to The Apiary - our exclusive online learning portal.  Here you will also be able to watch replays of all live sessions, receive mentorship, join Q & A sessions, and get involved in the community.

Extensive Online Course Material


The past 10 months I've completely transformed the way I keep bees 


Each month’s theme will center around an aspect of the hive, an aspect of the sacred feminine, and a key spiritual practice. These will be shared on the monthly live call, through the monthly walk, and on the online learning portal. 


An audio lecture on the Goddess of the month

Thematic Journal questions

practices or small rituals

PDFs/videos on bees and Natural beekeeping

Inspired Reading Material

In the online course material you will find:


Goddess: The Norns
Hive Magic: Breath
Theme: Weaving

In this module you step into the weave and begin to select your threads for you journey forward. You will be introduced to the walk and the spinners and weavers. You will also explore the theme of weaving, and prepare a weaving spell for your hive.

Dreaming into Being


Goddess: Brigid
Hive Magic: Beeswax
Theme: Reawakening
This month focuses on the promise of spring and the awakening of the land. We'll focus on the introductory information about bees and natural beekeeping, as well as some dreamwork and land relating. February introduces the Land Presence practice, which is a key aspect to the entire training.

Stories in the Land


Goddess: Artemis
Hive Magic: Propolis
Theme: The Midwife
March is all about the swarm. Here we begin to understand the womb-hive connection. You'll learn about swarms and how important they art to the sovereignty of the hive. For intended beekeepers, this is the month you really get everything set up, and ritually prepare your waiting hives, be they new, or overwintered.

Birth of A BEING


Goddess: The Fay Folk
Hive Magic: Pollen
Theme: Sovereignty
This is a time of liminal expansive connection. Is a time of becoming for the bees, when swarm season is still upon us, in the Northern Hemisphere, and the land is in-between winter and summer. It is where the realm of the Fey Folk or nature spirits meets the human world. It is the place where the apian consciousness meets human consciousness. 



Goddess: Venus/Aphrodite
Hive Magic: Flowers
Theme: The Lover

May is all about the flowers and the love affair between them and the bees. If you are beekeeping in a bioregion where May/June is high spring/early summer, then your hands are quite full already with bee tasks. This will be a time of focusing on beekeeping and supporting growing hives.



Goddess: The Marys
Hive Magic: Royal Jelly
Theme: The Mother

The Mother is at her peak. She is laying 2000 eggs a day, and the bees are singing the Great Song. In this module we connect to the theme of mother and listening to the voice of the queen in the hive and in ourselves.

Ecstatic Expansion


Goddess: Lilith
Hive Magic: The Hum
Theme: Rewilding
In this session, we are meeting with the Goddess Lilith to understand our own sense of sovereignty as well as the sovereignty of the bees. Our teachers in this regard are the wild bees and what they have to teach about sovereignty and resiliance. In the world of beekeeping, we are looking into summer beekeeping and hive diseases/pests. Think of all these diseases/pests as signs of a weakened immune system, and overall imbalance in the ecosystem.

Where the Wild Bees Are


Goddess: Hathor
Hive Magic: Honey
Theme: Pleasure

This month is all about honey. Honey for healing, for pleasure, for food. Honey for the bees and honey for humans. You'll learn about the harvest, honey tasting, and late summer beekeeping.

nectar of the Gods


Goddess: Demeter/Persephone
Hive Magic: Sting
Theme: Death and Rebirth

This month honors the lessons of death that the bees often teach us in the fall. It is a month to better understand sting, both physically and metaphorically. You will also start to hear about how to prepare for winter.

Drawing in, Drawing down


Goddess: Callieach/Baba Yaga
Hive Magic: Mead
Theme: The Wise Elder

We close with singing the bees into their slumber. With lessons from the wise elders within and around us, we prepare the bees for winter, prepare ourselves for completion, and ask about the future of bees and the earth.


The Women's Beekeeping Apprenticeship changed my life in many ways: I was introduced to an incredible group of new friends, developed a meaningful relationship with the bees, deepened my relationship with nature, and learned about my own capacity for healing and connection with the land and beings all around me. 




This program has nourished my art in ways I couldn't imagine. It's a beekeeping apprenticeship and so much more! It has changed me as a person - I am more myself than I have ever been before, deeply nourished on soul level, connected with place and my place in the world. 




Monthly teaching session with Ariella with with both bee animism and natural beekeeping as key focus.

Live Sessions

What's Included

Beyond the live sessions you will receive beekeeping mentorship from Ariella (me!) in the online forum. Ask me anything! As the season progresses I will also add in weekly live (and recorded) office hours.

Beekeeping Mentorship

Many students find they want to go through the entire program again in years to come. You can review this material at any point! It's a lot of good stuff and it can time time to digest.

Lifetime Access


Recordings of all sessions for you to replay any time.

You will receive two one on one sessions with me to workshop any topic or questions you might have. These can be used during the program or up to a year after the program ends.

Live AI transcripts during session and access to transcripts post live sessions.

A way to deepen into the land and your connection to place. This practice expands over the 10 months.

The Apiary Community is a live forum held on Circle where you can engage in meaningful discussions, share, connect, and be inspired.

Online Forum

One on One Time

Guest Teachers

Some of our live sessions will include guest teachers. Some of our past topics have been writing workshops, shamanic journeys, hive constellations, herbal wisdom, and more. Some sessions will include guest teachers. Past teachers have included Sylvia V. Linsteadt, Megan McGuire, Deborah Richmond, and Cheyanna Bone.


Weekly Land Presence Practice

Three ceremonies held online and supported through the collective weave of sisters. These ceremonies will aim to support both the bees and your own inner journey.


Extensive Curated Course Material

Over 150 lessons and practices offered on the online course webpage. Material is released monthly and includes required reading, PDFs, ebooks, worksheets, audio meditations and lectures, video teachings, and more.

Personal Project

In August you will be invited to start a personal project inspired by bee and/or course material. Your personal project is part research, part personal study/discovery, part self expression.

 I live with my sister (a teacher) and my 3 year old daughter in Northern California. I am extensively trained in animism and gynocentric shamanic practices. I am dedicated to helping women connect to their own body of knowing through embodiment practices, nature connection, and beekeeping.  

This program is utterly unique, in that it brings together my passions: goddess lore and folk lore, animism in late stage capitalism, womb shamanism, and a deep reverence for nature and the honey bee. 

I have background in anthropology, folklore, and ancient history, which means I infuse all my work with myth and folk wisdom.  I also have 15 year Natural Beekeeping experience, and 10 year experience teaching beekeeping in the field and online.

Or Ari as some call me. I’m a beekeeper, or bee guardian. I LOVE teaching and facilitating, and come from a family of teachers. 

Hi, I'm 

Ariella Daly

Ultimately, I'm interested in supporting you to discover your own innate wisdom as a woman of the earth and stars.  

Are you Low Income?

There are a limited number of low income spots available for those earning under $40k a year in USD. The rate is $1500. If you are interested in a full scholarship please read below.

This program is offered at two rates, $3000 as the value of the program, and $1500 for those who are in need of a discounted option or who live in a country with a currency exchange rate that is very high. However, I am aware that even $1500 is cost prohibitive for some.

  In choosing to apply for a scholarship, I would ask you to consider your resources and your privilege. I recognize that we all come from different financial backgrounds and systems that support the privilege of some and hinder accessibility for others. As part of my commitment to dismantling the inner and outer structures of patriarchy, which affect race, class, gender, and the earth’s wellbeing, I think it is important to reflect on how the current systems in place do not offer equal opportunity to all peoples. To serve the earth and the bees, we must examine systems of dominance that have been in place and informed everything from our sense of self worth, to our food sources, to our ability to support ourselves and our communities. 

Please consider if you want to apply for a full scholarship, offer a trade, or offer to pay a different amount than the two listed above. 


pay in one payment



12 Monthly 



4 payments 
1 every 3 months


Apply for Scholarship 

     To be involved in a community that believes and relies on the wisdom that comes through the land, bees, and dreams as well as the knowledge that comes through lectures has been exactly what I needed to be emboldened as a bee guardian. I highly recommend this apprenticeship and I am so grateful for the fruit of this time.

holds is potent and her knowledge and wisdom is deep."

"The space that Ariella 

Nicole France-Coe
New York

To me Ariella brings tremendous beauty and wisdom to the art of beekeeping and so much more. This course is exquisite and is still being carefully curated and added upon. It is a living and breathing body of work that Ariella is still constantly working on. I feel that that is one of the greatest gifts because if you are like me you would want a teacher who constantly evolves her work. Ariella is such a teacher- kind, fierce, wise all rolled into one who teaches the beauty of Bee Wisdom

You are such a gift in my life"

"Bless you!!! 


If you are interested in beekeeping and want to do it in a kinder, gentler, more natural way; ‘Tending the Sacred Hive’ is the class for you. Ariella is amazing and her wealth of knowledge about bee-centric beekeeping and Bee Animism is outstanding. I cannot recommend this program enough nor can I do it justice. My life has changed in very personal and inexplicable ways on so many levels.

for the wealth of information she has imparted to us"

" I am deeply grateful to Ariella


program and everything you pollinated it with. It was everything I hoped for and much more. It's an honour to be mentored by you. I adore everything you share and create for the greater service of humankind and look forward to buzzing in and out of your work for years to come."

"Thank you from the bottom of my flower-loving heart for this 


Not at all! This course is designed for new beekeepers, or even people who don’t intend on keeping bees for some time. If you are choosing to attend only for the bee animism aspect, you may want to try other courses with me first.

Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Not at all! This course is designed for new beekeepers, or even people who don’t intend on keeping bees for some time. If you are choosing to attend only for the bee animism aspect, you may want to try other courses with me first.

Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Yes! Many established beekeepers have taken the course and added to their understanding of bees, natural beekeeping, and earth-centered spirituality. Consider it another lens to look through on your beekeeping journey.

I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

If you attend both the sessions, you will be on zoom 4.5 hours a month. The reading/course content varies and is a go at your own pace kind of thing. It’s a lot of material to work through, but you can revisit it any time. There are homework assignments which vary, but can include writing down your dreams and sharing them (20 min), weekly land sit practice (10-20min), daily - weekly meditations (5-25), monthly communicating with the hive (20- 30 min). 

How much coursework is it?

Not at all! This course is designed for new beekeepers, or even people who don’t intend on keeping bees for some time. If you are choosing to attend only for the bee animism aspect, you may want to try other courses with me first.

What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

The live calls are all in the mornings PST (California) at 10am. This means the program will be suited to those in the Americas and Europe. However you can join from other, less favorable time zones if you feel like a late night/early morning. I’ve had students from Hawaii, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, and New Zealand all enjoy this program. A note: since the program is participatory, I do request you miss no more than 3 live calls.

What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

You can access Zoom and the online portal from your iphone, but it will be harder to navigate and may lead to some frustration, especially when slide presentations are shared. I recommend a computer if at all possible. I also play music at times for meditation purposes and during the Walk. A phone connection might not be enough to support the streaming of music over zoom.

I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Yes, absolutely. However, the meditations of the program are often gynocentric and place value on the healing and intuitive powers of the womb. We will be doing meditations and exercises connected to your womb as a vessel of wisdom and intuition. However, if for whatever reason you do not have a womb, but still identify as woman or are non-binary and don’t identify with the physical womb, then you  (continued....)

What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

... would work with the idea of a spiritual womb center or the great cosmic womb as a reference point. This is also true for anyone who may have had a hysterectomy. The womb can be experienced as a spiritual center within the body, even if there is no physical womb space. It is up to you and your comfort level in regards to how you would like to explore this work. I do reference women, goddess tradition, the feminine and women’s bodies throughout the program.

What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Since beekeeping is learned over time and refreshers are really helpful, the material will be available for as long as I’m still doing this work and the internet exists!

How long will the recordings and teaching portal be available?

The Forest

What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

Since beekeeping is learned over time and refreshers are really helpful, the material will be available for as long as I’m still doing this work and the internet exists!

Aside from sitting next to a beehive with a cup of tea, what’s your ideal way to spend a morning? 

Watching the bees fly to and from the hive on a warm spring day. The smell of bee bread and honey. When the bees visit me in my dreams. The calm I feel around the bees.

What the best part about beekeeping for you?  


Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

Not at all! This course is designed for new beekeepers, or even people who don’t intend on keeping bees for some time. If you are choosing to attend only for the bee animism aspect, you may want to try other courses with me first.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

Yes! Many established beekeepers have taken the course and added to their understanding of bees, natural beekeeping, and earth-centered spirituality. Consider it another lens to look through on your beekeeping journey.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

You can access Zoom and the online portal from your iphone, but it will be harder to navigate and may lead to some frustration, especially when slide presentations are shared. I recommend a computer if at all possible. I also play music at times for meditation purposes and during the Walk. A phone connection might not be enough to support the streaming of music over zoom.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

That’s fine. This course will prepare you for when you do choose to care for bees, but it will also educate you about the bees at large, how to connect with them, and how to deepen into your own spiritual practices with the support of the honey bee tradition.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

If you attend both the sessions, you will be on zoom 4.5 hours a month. The reading/course content varies and is a go at your own pace kind of thing. It’s a lot of material to work through, but you can revisit it any time. There are homework assignments which vary, but can include writing down your dreams and sharing them (20 min), weekly land sit practice (10-20min), daily - weekly meditations (5-25), monthly communicating with the hive (20- 30 min). 
The coursework is heavy at the beginning and then lightens during peak bee season. This is because prep for bee season is a lot of work and I want you to feel ready. As example: The months of January and February have about 8 hours of coursework each. The months of May and June are about 3 hours.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

The live calls are all in the mornings PST (California) at 10am. This means the program will be suited to those in the Americas and Europe. However you can join from other, less favorable time zones if you feel like a late night/early morning. I’ve had students from Hawaii, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, and New Zealand all enjoy this program. A note: since the program is participatory, I do request you miss no more than 3 live calls.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What timezones work for the apprenticeship?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

Yes, absolutely. However, the meditations of the program are often gynocentric and place value on the healing and intuitive powers of the womb. We will be doing meditations and exercises connected to your womb as a vessel of wisdom and intuition. However, if for whatever reason you do not have a womb, but still identify as woman or are non-binary and don’t identify with the physical womb, then you would work with the idea of a spiritual womb center or the great cosmic womb as a reference point. This is also true for anyone who may have had a hysterectomy. The womb can be experienced as a spiritual center within the body, even if there is no physical womb space. It is up to you and your comfort level in regards to how you would like to explore this work. I do reference women, goddess tradition, the feminine and women’s bodies throughout the program.

Q: Do I need to have any beekeeping experience?

Q: I am already a beekeeper. Will I still benefit from this course?

Q: I don’t have a computer, can I take the course from my iphone?

Q: What if I don’t intend to get bees any time soon?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: I'm pretty busy, how much coursework is it?

Q: What do you mean by women’s program? I’m non-binary, can i still participate?

Q: What’s your favorite apiary (bee yard) in the world?

The forest.

All Your Questions 


“Discovering the bees with Ariella has been a soothing balm for my heart and soul. A lifelong love and care of the earth has come full circle in connecting with the sacred bee, and the unity of the hive. Many threads in my life have been woven together with a flow of beekeeping knowledge, selfcare and deep listening to the land. “


Buzz me an email at

I'm happy to answer questions or just on a quick call to help you sort out if this program is right for you.

Need to 